a BEAR in our back meadow!
Around noon today as I was headed outside to do some yardwork, I looked out the master bedroom french doors and saw this...
At first I thought it was a large dog, but immediately realized it was way too big for a dog.
It was a black bear and he was having lunch in the meadow!
I've heard tell of a bear in our area, but have never laid eyes on him until today. Dan saw him once, about a year ago, as the bear ran across the road in front of Dan's car as he was driving up the hill from our village.
And then, he must have gotten wind of me as he stood up and looked around! It was one of the most majestic things I have ever seen.
Ella and I viewed him from the safety of the upstairs porch (Dan was away on a trip.)
As he turned around to leave, Ella barked at him (it was a rather quiet bark as I think she really wanted to play with him;) and he turned to look at her.
I did go out in the yard to do my yardwork, but my head was on a swivel looking out for Mr. Bear in case he wanted a meet and greet;)
Tonight this is what was in the meadow instead.... a porcupine! This is much more the norm.
Hope the Easter bunny (and not a BEAR;) finds his way to you!
Post Script:
After reading several comments of concern and getting a phone call from my VERY UPSET "much older sister Susan", I realized I didn't make it clear that the bear stood up because it probably smelled me, but couldn't see me (the meadow slopes downhill quite dramatically where he was standing). The second he saw me he quickly turned and scampered into the woods. I would never have ventured out into the yard if he had stayed. I was working up close to the house and he had been far down in the meadow. We were avid bird feeders when we lived in Dallas; but here we have never fed the birds for this very reason. I have many neighbors who do feed the birds and the feeders are close to their houses and the bears come up at night to eat the seed, which I find scary. We do not store any garbage outside. I think both these things attribute to why, in six years, this is the first time we've seen a bear on the property.
I have the utmost reverence towards bears. A teddy bear is "cute", but a real bear is a strong, powerful and dangerous animal. For those concerned about sweet Ella, she is never one to chase another animal (unless it's one of her puppy friends;) and she doesn't like to hang outside by herself during the day, and at night we always watch her when she goes outside.
But I do thank you for your concern, and Susan... stop worrying! ;)
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